M. Therry, De religieuze beleving bij de leken in het 17de-eeuwse bisdom Brugge (1609-1706)



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De segmentale innervatie van romp en ledematen bij de mens

Although the editor, in his introduction, does not make it quite clear why at this particular point in time the decision was taken to reprint Louis Bolk's neuro-anatomical work on the segmental innervation ofthe human trunk and limbs, there can be no doubt that this monograph of 1910, both from a clinical and historical point of view, is a worthwhile publication. Bolk, the most influential of D...

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Jacques Moleschott, een markante persoonlijkheid in de negentiende eeuwse fysiologie?

can be found in Arabic manuscripts. Robert Fludd called geomancy "terrestrial astrology" and, accordingly, some authors fit geomantic charts into astrological patterns, thereby deliberately abandoning some of the traditional correspondencies in astrology. The appendix gives the attributions by various authors, and even more importantly, the names and significations of the sixteen figures in Ara...

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Het Coolsingelziekenhuis te Rotterdam (1839–1900): de ontwikkeling van een stedelijk ziekenhuis in de 19e eeuw

Its Finnish counterpart is more for the scholar. Its strength lies in its use of the inscriptions of doctors, written in both Greek and Latin, to give some idea of their social position, a favourite Finnish theme that goes back to Gummerus. Its conclusion modifies the optimistic conclusions of Kudlien, confirming that there is little evidence for great wealth among physicians, and, equally, non...

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De zwaargewonden eerst? Het Nederlandsche Roode Kruis en het vraagstuk van oorlog in vrede 1867–1945

emotional and intellectual rationales for the movement. At the same time he explores in meticulous detail the complicated practical politics involved. The heart of the story lies in the irony of the movement's survival, the success of the philanthropic effort to "civilize war" being met only through accommodation to, and then generous assistance of, the militaristic interests of individual nati...

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Proefschrift ingediend tot het behalen van de graad van

The Phosphorus [1, 2] project focuses on delivering advanced net-work services to Grid users and applications interconnected by heterogeneousinfrastructures. The project is addressing some of the key technical challengesto enable on-demand end-to-end network services across multiple domains. ThePhosphorus network concept makes applications aware of their complete Gridresourc...

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عنوان ژورنال: BMGN - Low Countries Historical Review

سال: 1993

ISSN: 2211-2898,0165-0505

DOI: 10.18352/bmgn-lchr.3731